Metaphors help clear an idea instantaneously by creating a visual image or a similarity between a familiar concept and an abstract one. Here is an example:

It is better to wear out than to rust out. There will be time enough for repose in the grave.


Grothe, Mardy. I Never Metaphor I Didn’t Like (p. 29). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition. 

Two of my favorite books of metaphors are:

  • Tall Lady With The Ice Berg
  • I Never Metaphor I Didn’t Like


In the book Tall Lady with the Ice Berg Anne Miller beautifully helps train us to identify, create, and use powerful metaphors. As she points out in her book, we all use metaphors on a daily basis but to come up with beautiful, relevant, understandable metaphors is an art in itself. This is the book that is helping me learn to all of that.

When you get a chance read this book. It will help you make your communication rich with beautiful metaphors.